Natural Persons Supplying Services.All measures on Temporary Movement of Natural Persons are unbound exceptfor the terms, conditions, limitations or qualifications concerning the temporary entry and temporary stay of natural persons who fall into one of the categories referred to in the Philippines’ Schedule in Annex IV (Schedules ofSpecific Commitments onTemporary Movement of Natural Persons).Also limits national treatment.In activities expressly reserved by law to citizens of the Philippines where foreignequity participation is limited to a maximum of 40 percent, all executives and managers must be citizens of thePhilippines.Pursuant to Article 40 of the Labor Code, as amended, and its implementing rulesand regulations, non-resident foreign nationals may be admitted to the Philippines after a determination of thenon-availability of a person inthePhilippines who iscompetent, able and willing atthe time of application, toperform the services for whichforeign national is desired.